Join us for a fish-making class—which will be ready just in time for a Mother’s or Father’s Day gift and to celebrate Maine’s open water fishing season! You will learn how to put the fish together on the first night. Then you will paint him on April 16. After the second firing you will be able to pickup your artwork at the Adult Ed office at Messalonskee on or about April 30. There is a $30 materials fee, cash or check, to the instructor at the start of class to cover the cost of clay, glaze, and firing. Storm dates may affect this schedule. Limit 10 students. 2 Meetings, April 2 AND April 16
Pottery: Make a Clay Fish*
with Rose Crossman, Rosie's Artistry / Elmhurst Street
Messalonskee High School
207-465-9134OAKLAND, ME 04963 Get directions